Thursday, January 19, 2012


A great day today...

Today was a very restful day for me. A very unplanned, wonderful day at the pool and going out for dinner with friends, and still managing to get in a workout and do my singing practice. I am finding it so enjoyable to be so dedicated to this challenge... Singing is my not only my work, but my passion and I don't find that this is at all like a chore as I am enjoying every second of the rehearsing and I am already seeing the benefits not only in my voice but also in my body! Which brings me to...

1.1kg in 4 days. What a great 'kick start' to my weight loss plan! I know the first week of any new fitness plan usually has the largest number drop, but it is wonderful to finally be heading in the right direction! :)

        30mins Scales & Technique Practice
        35mins Song Practice
Songs Practiced: I Was Here, Ordinary People, Someone Like You, Set Fire To The Rain, Buses & Trains, Aint No Sunshine

        45mins Cardio @ My Condo Gym
I was so tempted to skip my workout tonight after having such a relaxing day and having just had dinner out with friends, but one of my friends agreed to join me and it was the extra push I needed to commit to still going. I did 30 mins on the treadmill with a 10 minute warm up of 4mins walking then 6mins running on 9.5 - 10.0, followed by 20 mins of sprints ranging between 11.5 - 12.5 for between 1:00 to 1:30 with 1:00 breaks walking on 6.5. Then I finished up with 15mins of cycling doing intervals between 7 and 10 and trying my best to keep it above 100rpm. My personal training sessions have made me realise how 'comfortable' i was in my cardio workouts. I would work hard but I would never PUSH myself  or really challenge myself. So tonight I was pushing the speed button faster, pedalling faster and pressing the resistance higher because now I want to improve and push myself beyond my limits. I want to constantly be moving forward instead of letting myself get stagnant. A great cardio workout for someone who was feeling 'too tired' to go... :P


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